- Graduated in Medicine from the University of Valencia.
- Master in Evaluative Medicine and Medical Expertise.
- Master in Rehabilitative Approach to the Pelvic Floor.
- ISMST Certification in the use of Shock Waves for medical applications.
- Member of the Spanish Society of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine (SERMEF).
- Member of the Spanish Society of Interventional Rehabilitation (SETRI).
- Member of the Spanish Society of Shock Wave Treatment (SETOC).
- Spanish
- Valencian
- English
- French
- Italian
Dr. Hector Fornés
We present to you Dr. Fornés, a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Originally from Jávea, Héctor Fornés Ern trained at the University of Medicine in Valencia, completing his studies in 2010.
He trained as a resident physician at the Bellvitge University Hospital, where he surrounded himself with the best specialists, training in external rotations at the CAR in Sant Cugat, Mutua Catalana de Futbolistas, Hospital Teknon and Clínica Diagonal. During this time, he was a field doctor for the Catalan national football team in various categories (U12, U16 and U23). After completing his residency in 2015, he decided to return close to his family and began working at the Dénia hospital until today. In 2019, he completed a 4-month internship at the Fundación Jimenez Díaz hospital in Madrid, in the special spinal pathology unit.
Dr. Fornés has extensive experience in interventional treatments such as dry puncture, joint infiltrations, botulinum toxin infiltration, hyaluronic acid, PRP, ultrasound-guided interventions, caudal epidurals, and shock waves.
In addition, Dr. Fornés is a medical expert, preparing reports on the assessment of injuries or bodily harm caused by accidents or illnesses and assisting in defending these reports in court.

Issues I Treat
- Osteoporosis
- Amputees
- Lymphedema
- Neurological (Stroke, facial paralysis)
- Children (Scoliosis, Plagiocephaly)
- Assessment of bodily damage
- Pelvic Floor
- Ultrasound-guided joint, muscle or peritoneal infiltrations with: corticosteroids, anesthetics, hyaluronic acid, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), botulinum toxin (Botox)
- Calcium aspiration and lavage
- Hydrodilatation (adhesive capsulitis)
- Focal and radial shock waves
- Dry puncture
- Facet block, caudal epidural.
- Assessment of prostheses and orthoses

Bodhi me ha llevado de la mano en mis 2 embarazos y post-partos. La dedicación, la pasión y el cariño que pone Ainhoa en las clases es genial, te sientes como en casa y en las mejores manos.

Bodhi me ha llevado de la mano en mis 2 embarazos y post-partos. La dedicación, la pasión y el cariño que pone Ainhoa en las clases es genial, te sientes como en casa y en las mejores manos.

Bodhi me ha llevado de la mano en mis 2 embarazos y post-partos. La dedicación, la pasión y el cariño que pone Ainhoa en las clases es genial, te sientes como en casa y en las mejores manos.

Bodhi me ha llevado de la mano en mis 2 embarazos y post-partos. La dedicación, la pasión y el cariño que pone Ainhoa en las clases es genial, te sientes como en casa y en las mejores manos.